We seem to be done with inclement weather for a the next several days. I understand that the midwest to the east is getting pummelled with weather; ice, snow, loss of power, downed trees.
I'm praying that you're all safe and warm.
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If there's moisture in the air here, we're gonna get a rainbow. That's in front of the mountain that you can't see right now.
The rainbow has been around all morning long, just moving north as the sun gets higher in the sky. It always crosses my mind that a rainbow is a gift from God. It's like, "I know it's been rainy and drab. Here, this is for you."
With all of the drizzle and strong, gusty winds today, this little guy has been in and out of that gardenia bush.
I know the last picture is hard to see, but I wanted to show you his backside. I think it's some kind of finch. Anyone know?
Although to the right of our house it is fairly clear with sun, the left of our house is just that much closer to the mountain, and has been drizzly & cloudy all day. Weird. The weather is calling for 80 mph winds tonight. I hope all of my little friends hang on tight!
The wind can be relentless here in the fall and spring. I've written before about being on the periphery of storm systems that blow through to the north of us, creating some pretty crazy wind.
Laying in bed in the middle of the night, listening to the wind howl outside, I often think about the indians that surely roamed this territory. Although I think they probably looked for sheltered areas to camp, I doubt that they escaped much of the elements.
Imagine your teepee being whipped around, and pelted with a downpour of lashing rain. Cracks of thunder that feel like they could split you in two. I never really gave much thought to what that must have been like, until we moved here. I may have to do some research about that. It seems pretty fascinating to me now.
This time of year, sunrise happens about 7:10 a.m. here. Arizona does not observe daylight savings time. This is weird to me to have it dark so late, but I like not having to concern myself with falling forward or back. However, it does still mess with making phone calls to people in other states. Let's see, what time is it there??? During the summer months, it will start getting light around 4:00 a.m.
I don't think I've ever been as aware of the location of sunrises and sunsets as I have been here. You can see almost to forever in any direction, so the changes of the sun are very apparent here. I remember a realtor telling us when we first came here, "In the summer, the sun will set here." Then he halfway turned around and said, "In the winter, the sun will set there." It mattered then because we were having a house built, and the heat of the afternoon sun could keep you inside if the deck didn't face in the right direction.
Anyhoo, it's Monday morning. I saw a beautiful sunrise, and now it's back to work for me. I hope your day is a beautiful one!
Ah, Sunday morning. I love Sunday mornings. Saturdays are made for cleaning house, running errands, being busy. But Sunday mornings, for me, are a time to relax, listen to classical music, dream a bit, and think of creative things I'd like to do.
While checking in to some of my favorite blogs this morning, I found this. Kim is a very talented, creative, and funny woman. I guess you have to have a great sense of humor with 4 kids (under 5?).
What I loved about her painting is the shading, the highlights, the whimsey of it. Check out her website! Right up my alley. Man! How I'd love to be able to do that!
So that's what I'm dreaming about this morning. So often I'll try something, and because it's not great to begin with, I figure I can't do it. I'm tired of giving up so easily. So without actually making a "resolution" for the new year, I'm going to try the concept of "practicing!" Reading about things, the how to of them.
What is it that you would like to learn to do better?
This Cooper's Hawk is a fairly frequent visitor because I feed the little yard birds. These birds will take flying dives into bushes, looking for smaller birds to eat.
This one's for you Scriptor:
Another frequent visitor is the Roadrunner. Yes, they do run across roads (cracks me up), and only fly when they absolutely have to. They will jump up into bushes to get a little bird lunch.
Hubby bought me these concrete ducks one year for Christmas, knowing I would love them around the water dish in the front yard.
A somewhat overcast day here in southeast Arizona. These days we have a high of about 60*, and a low down to freezing. I know there will be some eye rolling here, but I'm cold! I guess when you live in a warmer area, the cold seems to be harder to take.
Fifteen hundred feet higher, you can see there is still snow on the top of the mountain. It's hard to tell how much is up there when the sun is shining; it glistens and creates shadows. I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
I'm starting to notice the birds landing on the concrete block wall and readjusting nesting material in their beaks. Do you think they are fluffing the winter nest? Or could they actually be thinking of spring already?
I also notice more rabbits in my front yard these days. Really, it looks like a dead zone out there. No new sprouts for them to munch, and the nightime freezes have burned the low lying plants. I've started cutting up apples that may have passed their prime, and putting them out by the water dish in front. The birds and the bunnies take turns nibbling. By morning, even the cores are gone, found by who knows who?
Speaking of the yard looking like a dead zone, perspective buyers probably look at the yard now and think of how much work it would be to make something out of it. So I made a brochure that I will have available from now on, sitting on the kitchen counter, showing what the yard will become again in spring.
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We didn't even open the garage door until after 7 a.m. today, when it started to get light. So different from this summer when people just showed up at 5:30, with no signs out. I was grateful for the extra time.
I've mentioned before that we are only about 15 miles from the Mexican border. By the number of people who stop, that do not speak english, or very little, I wonder if they come across in the wee morning hours on Saturdays to scour the ubiquitous yard/garage sales happening in our town. And so many of them with little kids. I'm a little embarassed, at one point, I had to count from 1 to 15 in Spanish to explain how much one woman owed me. I couldn't just grab that one $15 word out of the air. LOL!
We did fairly well today, although not as well as we did during the summer sale. We had some things that I felt the need to get the amount that I was asking. I would tell people that amount, they would ask if I'd take less (like half!), I'd say no, they'd nod, and leave. Finally my neighbor, that was here helping us, commented to me that, depending on what my goal was for having the garage sale, perhaps what they were offering was not such a bad deal. Oh...you're right! My goal is to get rid of this STUFF! I guess that's perhaps why we didn't do as well this time. :)
There was one little woman, probably 65, maybe not even five feet tall or so, that wanted an item ( I can't even remember what it was at this point), for less than half of what I was asking. I said, "No, I really need to get the $5. "No, $2." "I'm sorry, I really need to get $5 for that." Then she tilted her head, smiled, squinted her eyes, and said, "Please?" Oh good Lord. What to do. I fought my weakness, and said, "I'm really sorry, the price is $5." OMG!!! She did it again!!! Head tilt, smile, eye squint, "Pleease."
"Of course you can have it for $2!!!" Actually, I felt really good about it. It was only later that I started wondering how many times she had blinked those big brown eyes at all of the places she had stopped. I had to laugh.
What a crazy last few weeks it's been. Having my son here, which was wonderful, getting the house back in order after the holidays, cleaning out closets & drawers, deciding what to keep & what to put in the garage sale on Saturday, and having people come to look at the house in the middle of it with NO advance warning whatsoever! Yikes!
So the garage is loaded with piles that need to be laid out in some kind of order, and here's the part I'm really not looking forward to...the pricing. What a chore! But my neighbor offered to come over and help me late tomorrow. We may have to make a party of sorts out of it, just to get through it. Maybe some wine and appetizers? After the pricing? Nah, it'll be much more fun during, don't you think?
By the time we go to bed at night, we're exhausted.
Hubby says: It'll be worth it, you'll see.
Me: hesitantly nodding.
Hubby: Remember, just like when we moved from Santa Cruz?
Me: eye rolling, fingers in ears, humming to myself. Somehow that does not make me feel better.
Anyway, I sincerely hope that this is the last time we make a move like this. And it will be worth it when we drive off in the building on wheels.
But for now, I miss having the time to blog, to check in with my buddies, see how you're all doing.
I hope you enjoy the photos. They were not touched at all. Yes, it was a beautiful morning.
Birds? Squirrels? Raccoons?
I don't know, but it looks like a nice place to live if you're a critter.
When I lived in CA, before I net Hubby, I lived in an area called Forest Lakes; in the mountains, in the redwoods. Across the creek, which ran through the backyard, and up the hill a bit, was a huge redwood tree that had a hole in the trunk. Every afternoon, around 4:30 or 5:00, I could see something stirring in that hole. With the help of some binoculars, I saw that it was a raccoon, just waking up, stretching, cleaning up to make a night of it.
I do love catching a glimpse of wildlife in their own habitat.