Thursday, December 3, 2009

This and That

You know I'll take a picture of a crow anywhere, any time I can. There's just something about this one that I really like. It's almost like he looked at the speed sign and is considering it.

Our view of the moon night before last. These night shots usually never work out for me for some reason. This one did! Maybe because I didn't try to overthink it. Just click, click, click, and voila! A moon with some sort of angry looking rash! Ha! Just kidding. It's purty.

I'm hoping that we can take a drive out to the Chiricahua mountains this weekend to take some photos. We keep planning it, then something else comes up. It's about a 2 1/2 hour drive, but so worth it. These mountains were the home to the Chiricahua Apaches. Geronimo & Cochise.

Just driving around this county makes you stop and think about the stagecoaches, and men & women of the wild west. Driving along a rural road, which is most of the county, makes me wonder about trying to get cattle and horses through the hot, dry, and pretty unforgiving desert. I should take some photographs of the wide open spaces, then zoom in to see what some of these crazy plants are like that they had to get through. At some point, there were probably dirt trails to follow, but before that, imagine thinking about going to Tucson from Mexico. Point your horse's nose toward a mountain, and ride.


Anonymous said...

great the crow

septembermom said...

I learn a lot from you! Thanks!

Love the pictures :)

Flora & Fauna

Books I have known & loved

  • Life of Pi
  • A Hundred Years of Solitude
  • Kite Runner
  • The Way the Crow Flies
  • Fall on Your Knees
  • Poisonwood Bible
  • East of Eden
  • Shantaram
  • I Know This Much is True

Illegal Immigration