Saturday, February 28, 2009

Women in Red

Today, on PPP, the prompt was Women in Red.

Here's what I wrote:

Don't all women have times in their lives, maybe their whole lives, where they could be considered women in red?

I love red! It says, YES! Or, Ohhh Yeah. Or Mmm Hmm.

It somehow speaks to knowing who I am, and feeling comfortable in my own skin.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if all women, and men, felt (red!) good about who they are? Good enough to try whatever creative outlet, or dream they have for themselves?

Go on! Be red!

Oh, how I wish I felt like that all the time. Maybe nobody feels like that all the time. I've noticed over the years that my image of myself is reflected in the colors of clothing that I tend toward.

A shy high schooler, navy blue was my color of choice. Quiet. Nondescript. In the shadows. I had a period of red in my early 20's, having somewhat come in to my own. It felt great! Until I realized that I wasn't being "me" after all. Yeah, yeah, so grown up. Not!

Then I went into a rust, maroon, earthy phase. Earth mama, right? Baked my own bread; made my own flour even. Yeah, I had visions of moving out into the wilderness with my love and my daughter (also my love) and growing our own food, being totally self-sufficient. Hahahahaha!

In my 30's, I had a couple more kids, a failing marriage, and I was tired. I don't really remember a color palatte during that time. I just remember wearing things that seemed to be too big for me. Might have had something to do with the low self-esteem during that period. The smallness of me. Disappearing me. My ex fed that belief and, yep, I bought it. For a while, anyway. Believe it or not, I still have some of those clothes and am amazed that I thought they fit!!!

During my 40's I had a promotion at work, a realistic image of myself, confidence, and a paycheck that allowed me to dress in a fashion that I could never have imagined before. Not that I was a fashionista, by any stretch of the imagination, but I bought clothing that fit, and some items had big flowers (back in the day, right?), and were trendy. I had met Hubby by then and he bought me colorful, fitted dresses and made me feel like I not only looked good in them, but deserved them.

Today, I still see alot of bland in my closet. Not because I want to hide, but because I know that I can build on the basics. I have plenty of hot pink capris, flowery blouses, lacy tanks, and bright additions to any outfit. I love feminine. Pink, flowers, lace, and yes red!

Yeah, I have good days and not so good days. I try to remember that I am the best me there is. I still push myself to try to move towards my dreams. I hope that I can grasp the courage it takes to "put it out there!"


Janice said...

You are always the most beautiful woman in the room, regardless of what you're wearing!

amuse me said...

I love read too - my closet is mostly of reflection of black, red and greens. Once in a while a splash of color, but I stay away from pastels. Fun to think back to what I used to wear (when I cared too much what people thought of me). Now I do what makes me feel good. Great post.

Flora & Fauna

Books I have known & loved

  • Life of Pi
  • A Hundred Years of Solitude
  • Kite Runner
  • The Way the Crow Flies
  • Fall on Your Knees
  • Poisonwood Bible
  • East of Eden
  • Shantaram
  • I Know This Much is True

Illegal Immigration