Tuesday, June 2, 2009

WHAT THE !!!????


Do you see the very life sucked out of my little grape leaves???

Oh, it's just wrong!

I know I'm a whiner lately, but I finally had little grapes this year. I have so many birds feeding babies around here that you'd think a stinkin' worm wouldn't have a chance!
Yeah, pretty worms, my hiney!


Unknown said...

That would freak me out, I hate those worm things! Your poor plants :(

Janice said...


GingerV said...

I sprinkle cinnamin on my orchids to keep the liitle ants and catapilars away - try it.

septembermom said...

Ugh! Those little guys are trouble! Your poor plant didn't have a chance against those numbers. Sorry...

Anonymous said...

Oh no!

Cinnamon will definitely keep ants away. They won't cross it.
In Germany, my host mom put out a little dish of beer to attract slugs away from her garden plants. That really did the trick. It was gross when she'd pour it out - but her plants were fine.

Your poor plants. I am so sorry.

shabby girl said...

Okay, I put cinnamon on the leaves, and I think I'm hearing the song the cartoons played when the people carried their worldly belongings down that dirt road. Remember that song? I'm going to have to find that song. Da da da da!
Back in CA I had to put out beer for the slugs about 4 pm and I swear you could see them come from all directions! At least they died happy, right? They loved the stuff!!!

Anonymous said...

You're right-- it is so wrong. (Sorry-- they are kinda pretty though)

shabby girl said...

Tricia...my hiney, honey!

Heather said...

Grrrr, I suppose the berries are just a bit more tasty than the big fat worms...

Sorry they've invaded you, friend.

shabby girl said...

Janice found out they are Western grapeleaf skeletonizer worms. That tells me perhaps they'll leaf, I mean leave, everything else alone! That's the good news.

Dan Felstead said...

Ouch! I bet those things bite! They are horrible. Never seen any like it before.


Mary-Laure said...

Argh, that's terrible!

pam said...

Oh, not what I wanted to see first thing while I was drinking my coffee.


It reminded me of when I went out to look at my tomatoes and they were covered in these huge worms. Huge - like 6 inches long.

Flora & Fauna

Books I have known & loved

  • Life of Pi
  • A Hundred Years of Solitude
  • Kite Runner
  • The Way the Crow Flies
  • Fall on Your Knees
  • Poisonwood Bible
  • East of Eden
  • Shantaram
  • I Know This Much is True

Illegal Immigration