The trip to Phoenix went fairly well. Got some things done up there, but still no plan in place for help for my mother. She is still stubborn enough to say no. She wants to talk to her doctor first to see if he has any other ideas. Like he's going to have an idea about how to help her other than having someone help her. You can lead a horse to water, right? One good thing was, when I walked in to her apartment, she had grown some cheeks! She's gained 20 lbs in the last couple of months!
The extra cheeks might be the three prednisone she's on everyday, but she looks much better!
She does look good!
Oh, more smoke!!!
I am glad that your mother is doing better. Cheeks have got to help.
awwwww such rosey cheeks;)
Good to hear from you, sorry that your mother is still keeping her stubborn bone but she does look healthier, fuller and more color to her face.
There's nowt so stubborn as folk. Your Mum certainly looks much better though.
Whilst fire is a constant problem in NZ the idea of a heath fire on Lewis is almost laughable. Although we did have a drought some years ago!
Aww! There she is! Hi Mom!
I see your pretty eyes in her face :) Hi to your Mom! and I are going along on a parallel course. My Dad is 86 and my stepmother is 86 as well. Both in ill health and do not want to accept the fact that they are quickly approaching the point where they can't take care of themselves. My stepmother was taken to the hospital last night with congestive heart failure. She is better now but this will get worse with time. My dad just can't take care of her anymore but he doesn't want to admit that yet.
Dan, I'm so sorry to hear about your stepmom's heart issue! I'm glad she's feeling better though.
You know, there are millions of us going through this same thing. The biggest problem, I think, is we wait too long to talk about it. I tried several years ago to bring it up. I told her and my brothers that we should talk about it while she still has her marbles and CAN talk about it. Unfortunately, nobody wanted to talk about it. It's uncomfortable. My mother even said herself recently, that she should have moved in there a couple of years ago, so she could have taken part in the activities, and fun stuff. As it is now, her health is not good enough for that to happen. It's a shame.
I'm glad that your dad & stepmom have each other. When that changes, it'll be just that much harder.
Here's a great big hug, my friend! All we can do is the best we can. :)
do you remember dealing with a two year old about cleaning up their plate, than when about 7 they want to pick their own cloths even if it red pants with a purple top / and throw tempers if you try to lead them to a white top .... This is were my mother is now - she had always gotten up and taken her shower and put on fresh cloths - washing/ and folding and putting away for the next day. (she always has refused to have more than 3 or 4 sets of cloths.) earlier this year she was showering but using the same cloths - first for 3 days then four and now my sister dispers because she is going for 8 days.... so I say when she gets ready for bed take her cloths and lay out new ones... she wont remember... Mom remembers (HOW?) so the next night she sleeps in the cloths so Candy can't take them away from her and she doesn't take a shower the next morning.... geeze this is not my mother... so now what is the next thing to try.... bless their hearts though.
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