Saturday, July 25, 2009


Lantana loves it here in the desert, providing it has plenty of water.

When I was a kid in California, we would call these plants Trix plants because they were the colors of Trix cereal, and they kind of smelled like Trix cereal. The little "skipper" butterflies would be all over the blooms. They must have tasted as good as they smelled!

I hope you're having a beautiful Saturday!


Sarah Lulu said...

Happy Sunday to you too.

I grew up at the coast ..(Sydney) with lantana ...growing everywhere ..

But up here in the mountains it's too cold.

Thanks for the reminder of my childhood.

Hugs from Australia.

amuse me said...

What a cool looking blossom. Wish we had spotted some on our recent trip through Arizona. :) M

septembermom said...

This is my first time seeing this flower. Gorgeous color, very pretty flower:) Photos came out great!

GingerV said...

we have a lantana bush - yes a big bush that i have to keep cutting back to keep it from taking over the yard... the hummingbirds love it.

Dan Felstead said...

Thanks for the explanation. You had another picture of this a couple of weeks ago and I wondered what it was. I have never seen the plant and it is beautiful...It does look like Trix! Beautiful pictures.


Unknown said...

That is a truly lovely flower! It makes me happy just looking at it. I do not think we have that here on the east coast, but thanks for sharing the pictures.

Flora & Fauna

Books I have known & loved

  • Life of Pi
  • A Hundred Years of Solitude
  • Kite Runner
  • The Way the Crow Flies
  • Fall on Your Knees
  • Poisonwood Bible
  • East of Eden
  • Shantaram
  • I Know This Much is True

Illegal Immigration